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- See:
- Language type:
- Description:
Dynace is an object-oriented extension of the
C programming language, designed for
general application development.
Dynace uses the same base data types
and control constructs as C. It adds the
following OOP and other advanced features
to C: abstract data types, classes with multiple
inheritance, run-time type ids, generics,
garbage collection, multi-threading
and synchronization, and reflection.
Dynace is a weakly typed (actually,
value typed) language like Smalltalk -- all
objects are run-time type identified and
type rules are checked during execution.
This is similar to other dynamic OO language
systems like CLOS (Common Lisp Object System)
and Self.
There is currently only one implementation
of Dynace, the commercial version from
Algorithms Corp. Source code for the
language processor is available for
download from the corporate web pages,
although the product is not freeware.
Documentation about the language is
also available at the web site.
- Origin:
B. McBride, Algorithms Corporation, 1993-96.
- See Also:
- Remarks:
Scoping in Dynace is tightly associated with
source files, somewhat like Java.
The processed C nature of Dynace permits
object-oriented, type-checked Dynace code
and regular C code to co-exist in the same
program! Useful, perhaps, but dangerous.
Dynace is still a fairly young product,
but it exhibits a good mix of C
familiarity with modern features like
automatic garbage collection, threads,
and inheritance. It resembles Objective-C
in some respects, and in fact the
creators acknowlege Brad Cox and Objective-C
in the Dynace documentation.
Because it is
implemented a C preprocessor, as
C++ once was, Dynace can leverage the
widespread availability of C compilers
as long as its substantial run-time library
can be ported.
The synax of Dynace is C with some additional
keywords and structures, the manual also
recommends some peculiar naming
conventions for methods and member data.
- Links:
- Date:
- Sample code:
/* A simple class to maintain an int built up
* from prime factors. Adapted from examples
* in the Dynace Manual. */
defclass BuiltInt {
unsigned long iRunningValue;
int cCntInstances;
cmeth gNew()
object obj;
obj = gNew(super);
cCntInstances += 1;
ivType *iv;
iv = ivPtr(obj);
runningValue = 1;
return obj;
imeth void addFactor(unsigned long fac)
iRunningValue *= fac;
imeth unsigned long getValue() { return iRunningValue; }
imeth object gDeepDispose, gDispose ()
cCntInstances -= 1;
gDispose(super self);
return 0;
Descriptions in this dictionary are ©1997-99 Neal Ziring. Some
examples copyright of their respective authors. Some
technologies and languages are trademarked. Permission to
copy descriptions is granted as long as authorship credit is preserved.
Comments on this dictionary, corrections and suggestions, are all welcome.
Please use email, the address is ziring@home.com
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Dictionary and script maintained by Neal Ziring, last major modifications 3/18/98. Most recent
additions to dictionary and master list, 1/00.