Surgical Therapy
Surgery (thyroidectomy) involves many risks including those associated with general anesthesia; and of accidental damage to, or removal of, the tiny neighboring parathyroid glands which can result in both immediate and/or delayed (within 1-4 days) complications with blood calcium levels. A recent literature review has suggested that the incidence of hypocalcemic problems post-operatively is anywhere from 22-34% regardless of the surgical technique used. These problems can manifest themselves in a variety of ways ranging from weakness and muscle tremors to more violent twitching and generalized seizures. Additionally, identifying the diseased portion of the thyroid gland in order to remove it is not always possible. The literature shows us that at the time of diagnosis 80% of hyperthyroid cats already have microscopic lesions in the other thyroid gland and will develop clinical hyperthyroidism through the growth of these lesions within 18 months. Thyroid tissue can also exist elsewhere in the body, in which case surgery will not correct the disease and hyperthyroidism will persist and/or recur. The estimated cost for one surgery is $700-$1300. Many cats now come in for I-131 therapy after undergoing one or more thyroidectomies.




Section 0: Home - Section 1: General Overview - Section 2: Professional Page
Section 3: Doctors and Staff - Section 4: Radioiodine Therapy
Section 5: Medical Treatment - Section 6: Surgical Treatment - Section 7: Hospital Locations & Phone Numbers
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