On-line Chinese Tools On-line Chinese Tools
Learn Chinese Use Chinese Chinese Culture Chinese Software

Web mandarintools.com
       These pages hope to provide tools to assist people in learning and using the beautiful Chinese language. From the novice Chinese language student to the advanced programmer, I hope there is something here for everyone. Rather than being a Chinese language course, it provides tools to people who are already studying and using Chinese. Please check out the DimSum Chinese Reading Assistant, Character Flashcards, the Chinese/English dictionary, the Chinese Namer, and the Western/Chinese Calendar Converter.

Tools for Learning Chinese

Tools for Using Chinese

China Reference Tools
  • Chinese Numbers
    Description of Chinese number system and a converter from English numbers to Chinese numbers.

Computer Tools
  • HTML Escapes to Byte Converter
    Convert the ampersand escape sequences that many HTML editors save GB and Big5 as back into GB or Big5 (or any other eight-bit encoding).
  • Zhuyin Macro
    A Word97 Macro that converts pinyin next to a character into Zhuyin (i.e. BoPoMoFo) or moves the pinyin underneath the character.

Have suggestions for a tool you'd like to see here? Found a bug that needs fixing? You can reach me through my contact page. In your message, please include the type of operating system you are running (Windows 95, Macintosh, Unix, etc.), the browser you are using (Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, etc.), and the browser version (2, 3, 4 or 5).

For general Chinese resources, including information about reading and writing Chinese on computers, please visit my Chinese Links page or the frequently asked questions page.

Other Chinese/Java and Chinese Tools Links

Credits and Sources

This page has drawn upon quite a few different public-domain Chinese resources and would not have been possible without them.
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to visit this site since October 1, 1996.

Copyright © 1996-2005 by Erik E. Peterson