
Edit Question and Answer


Edit the fields below, then click on Update.

%%$query->start_form(-method=>'POST');%% %%$query->hidden('password');%%
Subject: %%$editquery->textfield(-name => 'subject', -size => 40);%%

Sender Name: %%$editquery->textfield(-name => 'sender', -size => 40);%%

Sender E-mail Address: %%$editquery->textfield(-name => 'senderAddress', -size => 40);%%

Question Text: %%$editquery->textarea(-name => 'question', -columns => 40, -rows => 6);%%

Answer Text: %%$editquery->textarea(-name => 'answer', -columns => 40, -rows => 8);%% %%$editquery->hidden('qdate');%%


If you'd rather edit a different question, click on the button below.

%%$query->start_form(-method=>'POST');%% %%$query->hidden('password');%% %%$query->endform();%%

To go back up to the Q&A front page, click here.