#!/usr/bin/perl # CEP - CGI Encyclopedia in Perl # # Version 0.4 12/1/97 # # Okay, what a grandiose name! This CGI Perl module is designed to # support listings of definitions and cross-references for topical # information, and also to automatically generate various kinds of # HTML listings from that information. # # The CEP should have its down directory in which to run, and it # will always chdir to that directory on startup. All data files, # templates, schema files, supporting Perl modules, and # everything all live there. # # This Perl CGI program uses the CGI.pm module by Lincoln Stein. # # As this is a CGI module, it is build to accept various CGI field # arguments. Some of these will come from the schema file, but # the constant ones are listed here. Notice that they all start # with _ to distinguish them from actual data fields. Note that # every schema must have a primary key (this is sorta like a # 1-table relational model), and that is simply the first field # listed in the schema. Typically, that field will be "name". # Note that all data field names should be lower-case. # # _add If present, then this is CGI request # is part of an update transaction of # some sort. A form with database # values will be returned. If pattern # match or a primary key value is given # then the form will be populated with # that item if it exists. See also # _store, below. Note that _add, if # present, overrides other instructions. # # _alpha value is a case-insensitive string, # each of them a first letter or other # char for primary keys. So, if you want # all the definitions that begin with 'd' # or 'e' you would send ?_alpha=de # # _diagnose perform a consistency diagnostic check # of the database, checking internal # cross-reference and external links. This # can be very time-consuming. # [NYI - this will have to be a separate # program, I think, otherwise it will # bloat this one too much.] # # _format value is an output report format, one # of 'index', 'short', or 'full'. Only # first letter is used, case-insensitive. # The default is 'full'. # # _get value is a file name to retrieve, no # directory prefix accepted. Depending # on the file extension, the file may # be a template (.phtml), straight text, # straight html, or image. # # _key exact value of a primary key, only # case-insensitive, output delivered as # specified by _format or _add. # # _search pattern match in data, value is a # regular expression to use for matching. # Results returned according to _format # or _add if present. # # _searchfield If set, then apply pattern matching to # primary key only, by default matching # is done against all non-empty visible # fields (s,S,t,T,u,U,r,R) # # _store if present along with _add, and all # non-optional schema fields are received # non-empty, then actually re-write the # data files (backing up previous using # simple numbering scheme?) # # _total similar to _alpha, only sends ALL # the data in the specified format. # # _usersearch include a user search form in the # heading, for searching the data. # Default value is 0 (false). # # _usertab include a quick-reference set of # alphabetic tabs in the heading, for # browsing the data. # Default value is 1 (true). # # _userlink include links section template, # default on in basic_mode 0, off # otherwise. # # # Note that the design of this module limits it: only one # CEP database may live in a directory. # # The most important file for a CEP database is the schema # file. This file consists of lines, each defining a field # in the CEP database (note that the database may or may # not be stored in a single file, I haven't decided yet.) # Each line consists of three strings separated by colons: # # - field CGI form name (identifier) # - field user pretty-print name (string) # - field type, one of the following: # s - short string (default) # S - short string optional # p - primary key URL (special) # e - enumerated short text # E - enumerated short text optional? # r - cross-ref primary key name(s) # R - cross-ref primary key name(s) optional # t - multi-line string # T - multi-line string optional # u - a link URL string, name=href # U - a link URL string optional, name=href # i - an image URL string [NYI] # I - an image URL optional [NYI] # # When CEP starts up, it reads the schema into a pair of # hash tables: %fieldNames and and %fieldTypes. The keys # of either of these hashes can be used to grab stuff out # of the query on updates, or out of restored objects on # loading from a file. # # Note the format for the u and U types, if an # equals sign appears in the string, then the LHS is # a human-readable name for the link, and the RHS is # the link URL. # # For data storage, we use the CGI::save and CGI::new # methods, just like my guestbook and other CGI scripts # do. (This method is not especially fast, though, so # I may need to change it later.) # # # # Constants - set these as necessary $CEP_HOME = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/cgi-bin/cep/'; $CEP_SCHEMA = 'schema.txt'; $CEP_FILE_PREFIX = 'cep-'; $CEP_FILE_SUFFIX = '.dat'; $CEP_FILE_NEW_SUFFIX = '.new'; $CEP_FILE_BAK_SUFFIX = '.bak'; $CEP_ADD = '_add'; $CEP_ALPHA = '_alpha'; $CEP_FORMAT = '_format'; $CEP_GET = '_get'; $CEP_KEY = '_key'; $CEP_SEARCH = '_search'; $CEP_SEARCHFIELD= '_searchfield'; $CEP_STORE = '_store'; $CEP_TOTAL = '_total'; $CEP_USERSEARCH = '_usersearch'; $CEP_USERTAB= '_usertab'; $CEP_USERLINK = '_userlink'; $CEP_FULL_SET= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!'; sub geturl { my $q = shift; my $ret = $q->script_name(); # if you need to fix idiocy from server, substitute here! # $ret =~ s/www[.]erols/cgibin.erols/; return $ret; } ################################################################# # templates - these are the HTML+Perl fragments that are used # to build the output HTML pages. Note that # a lot of domain-specific stuff is bound up in # these template files (e.g. URLs, titles, # format, colors, names, links) and therefore # these files will have different contents for # every use of the cep.pl program. Try to # restrict domain-specific stuff to these # files and to the schema, keep it out of this # perl source code! %templates = ( 'header', 'fixed_top.phtml', 'index', 'search_index.phtml', 'links', 'links.phtml', 'notfound', 'notfound.phtml', 'footer', 'fixed_bottom.phtml', 'addstart', 'add_start.phtml', ); # Operational parameters - set as necessary, can be empty $CEP_BASE_IMG_URL = 'http://www.erols.com/ziring/'; # globals used throughout the program $headerSentYet = 0; # libraries we use use CGI; # fundamental subroutines used everywhere sub ensureHTMLHeader { if (!($headerSentYet)) { print $query->header(-type => 'text/html'); } $headerSentYet = 1; } sub punt { my @args = @_; my $lin; ensureHTMLHeader(); print $query->start_html(-title => 'CEP Error'); print "

\n"; for $lin (@args) { print $lin,"
\n"; } print "

In phase ",$phase,".\n"; print $query->end_html(); exit 0; } # urlenc - URL-encode a string, return it # sub urlenc { my($toencode) = @_; $toencode=~s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 _\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg; $toencode =~ tr/ /+/; return $toencode; } # print_template - # given a file, read it through, substituting for # embedded Perl constructs. The constructs we # support are: # # %%expr%% eval expr, substitute # result as a string, # but if expr is just a # identifier, then treat # it as a parameter of # the supplied CGI:: # object. # # Expressions can set the dynamically scoped scalar # $enable to 0 to disable output temporarily, and # can set it to 1 to re-enable output. This only # lasts for the current template. # # return 1 on success or 0 on error or missing file. # sub print_template { my ($fname, $q) = @_; my $ret; my $fline; my $exm; my $substval; local $enable; $ret = 0; $enable = 1; if (open(TFILE, $fname)) { while() { $fline = $_; while ($fline =~ m/%%(([^%]|%[^%])+)%%/) { $exm = $1; if ($exm =~ m/^\w+$/i) { $substval = $q->param(lc($exm)); } else { $substval = eval($exm); print "\n" if (!(defined($substval))); } $fline =~ s/%%([^%]|(%[^%]))+%%/$substval/e; } print $fline if $enable; } $ret = 1; close TFILE; } return $ret; } ################################################################# # handle_get - retrieve a raw file and send it # # This routine handles a request to grab a file (not a path). # %mimetypes = ('gif', "image/gif", 'jpg', "image/jpeg", 'jpeg', "image/jpeg", 'jfif', "image/jpeg", 'txt', "text/plain", 'text', "text/plain", 'pl', "text/plain", 'cgi', "text/plain", 'phtml', "TEXT/HTML", 'htm', "text/html", 'html', "text/html", '\w*', "application/unknown" ); sub handle_get { my $fname = shift; my $q = shift; my $ftype = 'text/plain'; my $ext = ''; my $pat; $fname =~ s,^.*/,,; EXTS: foreach $ext (keys %mimetypes) { $pat = '[.]' . $ext . '$'; if ($fname =~ m/$pat/) { $ftype = $mimetypes{$ext}; last EXTS; } } if ($fname ne '') { if (open(GETFILE, $fname)) { print $query->header(-type => lc($ftype)); if ($ftype eq "TEXT/HTML") { close GETFILE; print_template($fname,$q); } else { my ($temp,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size) = stat($fname); read(GETFILE, $temp, $size); print $temp; } close GETFILE; } else { punt("Could not open requested file:",$fname); } } else { punt("Bad file name in parameter:",$fname); } return 0; } ################################################################# # Phase 0 - start-up stuff that is always the same # $phase = 0; $query = new CGI; chdir($CEP_HOME); # or punt("CEP directory seems to be missing:",$CEP_HOME); ################################################################# # Phase 1 - read the schema # We fail with a dire error message if we can't get our schema. # $phase = 1; open(SCHEMA, $CEP_SCHEMA) or punt("Can't open schema file!"); $fieldCount = 0; @fieldKeys = (); %fieldNames = (); %fieldTypes = (); %fieldExtra = (); $fieldNamePrimary = ''; while () { chomp; my @ff = split(/:/); if ($#ff >= 2) { if ($fieldNamePrimary eq '') { $fieldNamePrimary = $ff[0]; } $fieldKeys[$fieldCount] = $ff[0]; $fieldNames{$ff[0]} = $ff[1]; $fieldTypes{$ff[0]} = $ff[2]; $fieldExtra{$ff[0]} = $ff[3]; $fieldCount += 1; } } punt("Bad schema") if ($fieldCount == 0); ################################################################# # Phase 2 - determine base operational mode for this request... # # basic modes - 0=default, 1=alpha or total dump, 2=search dump, # 3=update form dump, 4=update confirmation dump, # 5=literal get # $phase = 2; $basic_mode = 0; if (defined($query->param($CEP_ADD))) { $basic_mode = 3; if ($query->param($CEP_STORE)) { $basic_mode = 4; } } elsif ($query->param($CEP_GET)) { $basic_mode = 5; handle_get($query->param($CEP_GET),$query); exit 0; } else { if (($query->param($CEP_ALPHA)) || ($query->param($CEP_TOTAL))) { $basic_mode = 1; } if (($query->param($CEP_KEY)) || ($query->param($CEP_SEARCH))) { $basic_mode = 2; } } # set default query parameters in some cases if (!defined($query->param($CEP_USERTAB))) { $query->param($CEP_USERTAB, 1); } if (!defined($query->param($CEP_USERSEARCH))) { $query->param($CEP_USERSEARCH, 0); } if (!defined($query->param($CEP_FORMAT))) { $query->param($CEP_FORMAT, 'full'); } if ($basic_mode == 0) { $query->param($CEP_USERSEARCH, 1); $query->param($CEP_USERLINK, 1); } ################################################################ # Okay, now we know what we're doing and we know our database # setup. Steps below are interleaved for maximum performance: # # phase 3 - output fixed top section of page # phase 4 - output index section of page, as # needed per basic mode and other params. # phase 5 - Retrieve data and do appropriate thing # with it - three possibilities: # 5a - output search results data using # _search, _key, _alpha, formatted # or 5b - output add form, get data # using _key # or 5c - perform database update and confirm # phase 6 - output links section of page, if needed # phase 7 - output fixed bottom section of page # ################################################################# # Phase 3 - output fixed top section of page as a template # # $phase = 3; ensureHTMLHeader(); if (print_template($templates{'header'}, $query) == 0) { punt("Could not begin to build page"); } ################################################################# # Phase 4 - output index area at top of page # # Normally, I expect the index area to have several # things in it: # - an explanation # - links for letters of the alphabet # that employ the _alpha parameter. # - a link for a full dump of the data # employing the _total parameter. # - a search form with text field and # submit button, employing the # _search parameter. # # Of course, none of this need be present in the 'index' # # $phase = 4; if ($basic_mode == 0 || $basic_mode == 1 || $basic_mode == 2) { if (print_template($templates{'index'}, $query) == 0) { punt("Could not build body of page"); } } ################################################################# # Phase 5 - grab database records as needed # # This is the search phase. This is a little tricky, # because we want to store the data reasonably efficiently, # and yet we don't want this code to get too bloated. # # The routine retreive_next_record simply returns 1 item # at a time according to the search criteria given in its # three args. Check it out further below. # The routine print_record formats a record according to # the format given as its first arg. It also accepts a # count so that it can put in an entry number or do # special stuff on the first record. # $cnt = 0; $fmt = lc(substr($query->param($CEP_FORMAT),0,1)); if ($basic_mode == 1) { $rset = $query->param($CEP_ALPHA); if ($query->param($CEP_TOTAL)) { $rset = $CEP_FULL_SET; } print "

\n"; while ($qret = retrieve_next_record($rset,'','')) { print_record($fmt, $qret, $cnt); $cnt += 1; } if ($cnt == 0) { print_template($templates{'notfound'},$query); } else { print "

\n"; print "
",$cnt," ",(($cnt > 1)?("entries"):("entry"))," retrieved."; print "
\n"; } print "
\n"; } elsif ($basic_mode == 2) { $rset = $CEP_FULL_SET; $kpat = $query->param($CEP_KEY); if (!defined($kpat) || ($kpat eq '')) { $kpat = ''; $spat = $query->param($CEP_SEARCH); } else { $spat = ''; } print "\n\n"; print "
\n"; while ($qret = retrieve_next_record($rset, $kpat, $spat)) { print_record($fmt, $qret, $cnt); $cnt += 1; } if ($cnt == 0) { print_template($templates{'notfound'},$query); } print "
\n"; } elsif ($basic_mode == 3) { my $addme = $query->param($CEP_ADD); if ($addme eq ' ') { print_template($templates{'addstart'},$query); } else { my $add1 = ($addme =~ m/^([a-z])/i)?($1):('!'); my $qret = retrieve_next_record($add1,$addme,''); if (!($qret)) { $qret = new CGI; $qret->param($fieldNamePrimary, $query->param($CEP_ADD)); } # print_add_form uses the schema heavily print_add_form($qret); } } elsif ($basic_mode == 4) { # first check that all non-optional fields are non-empty, # lower-case field type means mandatory! my $ok = 1; my $offender; KEYS: foreach $fn (@fieldKeys) { if ($fieldTypes{$fn} eq lc($fieldTypes{$fn})) { if (!($query->param($fn))) { $ok = 0; $offender = $fn; last KEYS; } } } if ($ok) { my $add1 = lc(substr($query->param($fieldNamePrimary),0,1)); $add1 = '!' if (!($add1 =~ m/^[a-z]/)); my $errmsg = update_record($add1, $query); if (!($errmsg)) { print "The following record added to the dictionary under ",uc($add1),":\n"; print "
\n"; print_record('full',$query,-1); print "
\n"; print "

\n"; print ''; print '** Click Here to Add Another **'; print "\n"; print "
\n"; } else { print "

\n"; print "Could not add record to the dictionary: ",$errmsg; print "

\n"; } } else { print "

\n"; print "Error: required field missing, database not changed.\n"; print "

\n"; print "Sorry, mandatory field '",$fieldNames{$offender},"' ($offender) is empty."; print "

\n"; print "Please hit the BACK button on your browser and fix it!"; print "

\n"; } } ################################################################# # Phase 6 - output fixed links section of page as a template # # $phase = 6; if ($query->param($CEP_USERLINK)) { if (print_template($templates{'links'}, $query) == 0) { print "\n","

Could not output link section, phase $phase. Sorry"; } } ################################################################# # Phase 7 - output fixed bottom section of page as a template # # $phase = 7; if (print_template($templates{'footer'}, $query) == 0) { print "\n","

Could not output regular page footer, phase $phase. Sorry"; print "\n","\n\n"; } ################################################################# # all done, bye exit 0; ################################################################## # # Database and form subroutines sub print_add_form { my $q = shift; my $fkey; my $fnam; my $ftyp; # print ""; # print "\n"; print "

\n"; print "Edit the entry below, then click on SUBMIT.
\n"; print "Note that fields marked '(req.)' must be filled in."; print "

\n"; print '

script_name; $sn =~ s/[?].+$//; print $sn; print '">'; print "\n"; print "\n"; foreach $fkey (@fieldKeys) { $fnam = $fieldNames{$fkey}; $ftyp = $fieldTypes{$fkey}; print "\n"; } print "\n
"; print "",$fnam,":\n"; SWITCH: { if (lc($ftyp) eq 's') { if ($fkey eq 'date') { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time ); $year = $year - 100 if $year > 99; $q->param($fkey, sprintf("Last updated %d/%d/%02d",$mon + 1,$mday,$year)); } print $q->textfield(-name => $fkey, -size => 50); print " (opt.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'S'); print " (req.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 's'); last SWITCH; } if (lc($ftyp) eq 'p') { print $q->textfield(-name => $fkey, -size => 45); print " (URL, opt.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'P'); print " (URL, req.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'p'); last SWITCH; } if (lc($ftyp) eq 'e') { my @labels = split(/, */,$fieldExtra{$fkey}); if ($#labels > 0) { print $q->popup_menu(-name => $fkey, '-values' => \@labels, -default => $labels[0]); } } if (lc($ftyp) eq 'r') { print $q->textfield(-name => $fkey, -size => 45); print " (names, req.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'r'); print " (names, opt.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'R'); last SWITCH; } if (lc($ftyp) eq 't') { print $q->textarea(-name => $fkey, -rows => 7, -columns => 46); print "
\n" if ($ftyp eq 't'); print "
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'T'); } if (lc($ftyp) eq 'u') { print $q->textfield(-name => $fkey, -size => 45); print " (URL, req.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'u'); print " (URL, opt.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'U'); last SWITCH; } if (lc($ftyp) eq 'i') { print $q->textfield(-name => $fkey, -size => 45); print " (URL, opt.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'i'); print " (URL, req.)
\n" if ($ftyp eq 'I'); print "
[Image data syntax XXxYY=proto://path]\n"; last SWITCH; } } print "\n

\n"; print $q->hidden(-name => $CEP_STORE, -value => 1); print $q->hidden(-name => $CEP_ADD); print "\n"; print "

\n",$q->submit(-value => "SUBMIT"),"\n
\n"; print $q->end_form(),"\n"; print "

\n"; print "Note - there is currently no way to delete a record via this CGI\n"; print "script. The only way to delete an entry right now is to edit\n"; print "the data files directly. Hopefully this deficiency will be\n"; print "remedied soon.\n"; print "

\n"; return 1; } ################################################################# # print_record - print a record according to the given format # # The basic approach here is to check the format, and # then do one of two things: # # 1. for index format, just print the name # as a link, along with a number # # 2. for short or full format, print the # fields along with their names, the # rule for short format is, skip all # optional long text fields and skip # all links and images. # $prev_first_ltr = '*'; sub print_record { my $fmt = shift; my $q = shift; my $cnt = shift; my $prevname = ''; $fmt = substr $fmt,0,1; if ($fmt eq 'i') { my $lnam = $q->param($fieldNamePrimary); my $indxnum; print "\n","

"; $indxnum = sprintf("%4d. %s",($cnt + 1),""); $indxnum =~ s/ / /g; print $indxnum; print $q->a({-href => (geturl($query) . "?_key=" . urlenc($lnam)) }, $q->param($fieldNamePrimary)); print "\n
\n"; } else { my $fkey; my $fnam; my $ftyp; if ((defined($query->param($CEP_ALPHA)) || (defined($query->param($CEP_TOTAL)) && ($fmt ne 'i'))) && !($prev_first_ltr eq uc(substr($q->param($fieldNamePrimary),0,1)))) { print "\n"; $prev_first_ltr = uc(substr($q->param($fieldNamePrimary),0,1)); $prev_first_ltr = 'Other' if ($prev_first_ltr eq '!'); print "

\n"; } KEYS: foreach $fkey (@fieldKeys) { $fnam = $fieldNames{$fkey}; $ftyp = $fieldTypes{$fkey}; $fa = 0; my $closer = "\n"; if ((($fmt eq 'f') && ($ftyp =~ m/[sSeEtTrRuUiI]/)) || (($fmt eq 's') && ($ftyp =~ m/[sSetr]/))) { next KEYS if (($ftyp eq uc($ftyp)) && (!($q->param($fkey)))); if ($fkey eq $fieldNamePrimary) { print "
"; $closer = "\n
\n"; } elsif (lc($ftyp) ne 'i') { print "\n
"; print "",$fnam,":" if ($fkey =~ m/[^2-9]$/); print "\n

\n"; } if (lc($ftyp) eq 'i') { if ($q->param($fkey)) { my $imgfield = $q->param($fkey); if ($imgfield =~ m/^ *([1-9][0-9]*)[xX]([1-9][0-9]*)=(.*)/) { my ($imgwid, $imghgt, $imgurl) = ($1,$2,$3); $imgurl = $CEP_BASE_IMG_URL . $imgurl if (index($imgurl,'/') < 0); print '\n"; } } } elsif ((lc($ftyp) eq 'r')) { my @xrefstrings = split(/, */,$q->param($fkey)); my $xrefstr; foreach $xrefstr (@xrefstrings) { print "\n"; print $xrefstr; print '   '; print "\n"; } } else { my $tval = $q->param($fkey); my $lval; if ((lc($ftyp) eq 's') && ($q->param($fkey . "URL"))) { print "\n"; $fa = 1; } elsif (lc($ftyp) eq 'u') { if ($tval =~ m/([^=]+)=(.*)$/) { $tval = $1; $lval = $2; } else { $lval = $tval; } print "\n"; $fa = 1; } print $tval,"\n"; print "\n\n" if ($fa); } print $closer; } } } return 1; } ################################################################# # Database reading and writing routines # # The current design of the database is very simple: items # live in files as CGI.pm objects. There is one file for each # letter of the alphabet, plus one more for non-alpha. Items # belong to each file based on the first character of their # primary key: the item "animal" would be stored in the file # "cep-a.dat", the item "Turbine" would be stored in the # file "cep-t.dat", and the item "123" would be stored in the # file "cep-!.dat". Items are always stored in alphabetical # order by case-insensitive primary key in their files, to # save having to sort them for output. # # Retrieval consists of reading the records one by one and # matching their fields against a search pattern or key name. # As a special hack, the query parameter _alpha specifies # which files we need to check, this is used for dictionary # style retrievals which I'm assuming will be most common. # # Updating is slow but fortunately we shouldn't need to do # it very much. Basically, to update one of the files, we # stream it though a sorted insertion and write the results # to a file "cep-*.new". Then, we rename the file we had # been reading to "cep-*.bak" and rename the temporary to # "cep-*.dat". At the start of the update, we check whether # the ".new" file exists, and if it does then we wait 3 # seconds and look again. This should prevent collisions # without making the user redo any work. # # state variables $dbcurfile = undef; # current file, by name @dbalphalist = (); $dbcurhandle = undef; # ref to current file handle $dbfinished = 0; # # retrieve_restart - call to reset db routines before starting # a second sequence through the database. No need to call # this if you are only going to walk the db once. # sub retrieve_restart { $dbcurfile = undef; if (ref($dbcurhandle)) { close $dbcurhandle; } $dbcurhandle = undef; @dbalphalist = (); $dbfinished = 0; return 0; } # # retrieve_next_record - return ref to next record, or # undef if no records remain. # # This subr accepts 3 args. If given, each must be a # string and they represent: # # 1. The set of alphabet letters we have # to stream over, for example 'def'. # # 2. The key to find, overrides other # args, case insensitive match. Also # assumes keys are unique. # # 3. The search pattern, a regexp to # look for in the data. # sub retrieve_next_record { my $alphaset = shift; my $keynam = shift; my $pat = shift; my $ret = undef; my $keypat = $query->param($CEP_SEARCHFIELD); my $qobj; return(undef) if ($dbfinished); # handle burden of opening a file if necessary $keynam =~ s/^[ ]+//; if ($#dbalphalist < 0) { $alphaset = lc(substr($keynam,0,1)) if (!($keynam eq '')); @dbalphalist = split //,$alphaset; } $keypat = '.' if (!defined($keypat) || $keypat eq ''); # if we get this far, then $dbcurhandle is a valid file handle while(!(defined($ret))) { if (defined($dbcurhandle) && eof($dbcurhandle)) { close DATFILE; shift @dbalphalist; $dbcurfile = undef; $dbcurhandle = undef; # Test for end-of-stream condition, how the heck did it # end up way in here?! if ($#dbalphalist < 0) { $dbfinished = 1; return undef; } } while (!(defined($dbcurhandle))) { $dbcurfile = $CEP_FILE_PREFIX . $dbalphalist[0] . $CEP_FILE_SUFFIX; # print "\n"; if (open(DATFILE,$dbcurfile)) { $dbcurhandle = \*DATFILE; # print "\n"; } else { shift @dbalphalist; $dbcurfile = undef; $dbcurhandle = undef; # Test for end-of-stream condition, how the heck did it # end up way in here?! if ($#dbalphalist < 0) { $dbfinished = 1; return undef; } } } # get something from the file, hopefully this wont fail... $qobj = new CGI(DATFILE); # print "\n"; # print "\n"; # check whether this is an object we want if (defined($qobj) && ($qobj->param($fieldNamePrimary) ne '')) { if ($basic_mode == 1) { $ret = $qobj; } else { if ($keynam ne '') { if (lc($keynam) eq lc($qobj->param($fieldNamePrimary))) { $ret = $qobj; } } else { my $fkey; @keylist = @fieldKeys; KEY: foreach $fkey (@keylist) { if (($fieldTypes{$fkey} =~ m/[sSeEtTuUrR]/) && (defined($qobj->param($fkey))) && ($qobj->param($fkey) ne '') && ($fkey =~ m/$keypat/i) && ($qobj->param($fkey) =~ m/$pat/i)) { $ret = $qobj; last KEY; } } } } } } return $ret; } # # update_record - add or change a record in the dictionary # # This subr changes the database by sticking a record into # a specified dictionary file. Our first arg is the file letter # to stick the query object into, and the second arg is the ref # to the query object. Basically, it works like this: # # 0. determine file name # 1. wait for the new file not to exist # 2. create the new file # 3. stream over records of the old file, # and do insert at right position. # 4. rename the old file as a backup file # 5. rename the new file as data file # # This approach does still leave the possibility of # a race condition, but it is a very small window. # # For insertion, we use a very simple criterion, # lexicographic ordering of the primary key. Note that if # the old file does not exist, then we simply end up # creating it. # sub update_record { my $falpha = shift; my $qrec = shift; my $cnt = 0; my $addedyet = 0; my $newfname = $CEP_FILE_PREFIX . $falpha . $CEP_FILE_NEW_SUFFIX; my $bakfname = $CEP_FILE_PREFIX . $falpha . $CEP_FILE_BAK_SUFFIX; my $datfname = $CEP_FILE_PREFIX . $falpha . $CEP_FILE_SUFFIX; for($cnt = 0; ($cnt < 10) && (-e $newfname); $cnt += 1) { sleep 3; } return "Could not create update file" if (-e $newfname); if (open(NEWF, ">" . $newfname)) { if (open(DATF, $datfname)) { my $orec; while(!(eof(DATF))) { $orec = new CGI(DATF); if (!($addedyet)) { if (lc($qrec->param($fieldNamePrimary)) eq lc($orec->param($fieldNamePrimary))) { $qrec->save(NEWF); $addedyet = 1; } elsif (lc($qrec->param($fieldNamePrimary)) lt lc($orec->param($fieldNamePrimary))) { $qrec->save(NEWF); $addedyet = 1; $orec->save(NEWF); } else { $orec->save(NEWF); } } else { $orec->save(NEWF); } } if (!($addedyet)) { $qrec->save(NEWF); } close DATF; } else { $qrec->save(NEWF); } close NEWF; } else { return "Could not open update file $newfname for writing"; } rename $datfname,$bakfname; rename $newfname,$datfname; return ''; }