Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
nán difficult (to...); problem; difficulty; difficult; not good;
難捱 难捱 nán ái trying, difficult;
難保 难保 nán bǎo to be difficult to protect; difficult to protect;
難處 难处 nán chu (n) trouble; problems;
難道 难道 nán dào don't tell me ...; could it be that...?;
難得 难得 nán dé seldom; rare; hard to come by;
難度 难度 nán dù (n) trouble; problem;
難怪 难怪 nán guài (it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising (that);
難關 难关 nán guān (n) difficult point; crisis;
難過 难过 nán guò feel sorry; be grieved;
難堪 难堪 nán kān (adj) hard to endure; (adj) embarrassing;
難看 难看 nán kàn ugly; unsightly;
難免 难免 nán miǎn (adj) difficult to avoid or escape from;
難受 难受 nán shòu feel unwell; suffer pain;
難題 难题 nán tí difficult problem;
難忘 难忘 nán wàng unforgettable;
難為情 难为情 nán wéi qíng embarrassed;
難以 难以 nán yǐ hard to (predict, imagine, etc.);
難以應付 难以应付 nán yǐ yìng fù hard to deal with; hard to handle;
難以置信 难以置信 nán yǐ zhì xìn incredible;
nàn disaster; distress; to scold;
難民 难民 nàn mín refugee;
難民營 难民营 nàn mín yíng refugee camp;

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