Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
shuì persuade (politically);
shuō to speak; to say;
說不出 说不出 shuō bù chū unable to say;
說不出話來 说不出话来 shuō bù chū huà lái speechless;
說不定 说不定 shuō bu dìng can't say for sure; maybe;
說出 说出 shuō chū utter;
說法 说法 shuō fa statement; statement; wording; (someone's) version (of events);
說服 说服 shuō fú to persuade; to convince; to talk sb. over;
說謊 说谎 shuō huǎng (v) lie; tell an untruth;
說謊者 说谎者 shuō huǎng zhē liar;
說教 说教 shuō jiào preach;
說明 说明 shuō míng to explain; to illustrate; explanation; directions; caption;
說明書 说明书 shuō míng shū (technical) manual; (book of) directions; synopsis (of a play or film);
說情 说情 shuō qíng (v) plead for somebody else;

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