Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; certificate; proof;
證詞 证词 zhèng cí testimony;
證件 证件 zhèng jiàn paperwork; credentials;
證據 证据 zhèng jù evidence; proof; testimony;
證明 证明 zhèng míng proof; testimony; prove; confirm the truth of;
證明書 证明书 zhèng míng shū certificate;
證券 证券 zhèng quàn (financial) securities; negotiable securities;
証券化率 证券化率 zhèng quàn huà lǜ securitization ratio;
證人 证人 zhèng ren witness;
證實 证实 zhèng shí confirm (something to be true); to verify;
證實禮 证实礼 zhèng shí lǐ confirmation;
證書 证书 zhèng shū credentials; certificate;
證物 证物 zhèng wù exhibit (legal);
證驗 证验 zhèng yàn real results; to verify;
證章 证章 zhèng zhāng badge;

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