Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
zhí straight; vertical; frank; directly; straightly; upright;
直播 zhí bō (n) live broadcast; (v) broadcast live, not recorded;
直達 直达 zhí dá through; nonstop;
直到 zhí dào until;
直觀 直观 zhí guān direct observation; directly perceived through the senses; audiovisual;
直接 zhí jiē direct (opposite of indirect); immediate; directly; straightforward;
直接競爭 直接竞争 zhí jiē jìng zhēng direct competitor; direct competition;
直接數據 直接数据 zhí jiē shù jù data-direct (in LAN emulation);
直接影響 直接影响 zhí jiē yǐng xiǎng direct influence; immediate impact;
直截了當 直截了当 zhí jié liǎo dàng plain-talking; blunt; straightforward;
直徑 直径 zhí jìng diameter;
直覺 直觉 zhí jué intuition;
直立 zhí lì erect; upright;
直升機 直升机 zhí shēng jī helicopter;
直率 zhí shuài candid; frank;
直通車 直通车 zhí tōng chē "through train" (refers to the idea of retaining previous legislature after transition to Chinese rule in Hong Kong or Macao);
直轄市 直辖市 zhí xiá shì (n) directly governed city region (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing);
直線 直线 zhí xiàn straight line;
直線加速器 直线加速器 zhí xiàn jiā sù qì linear accelerator;
直言不諱 直言不讳 zhí yán bù huì speak frankly and bluntly;
直至 zhí zhì (v) up until the time...;

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