Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
diǎn (downwards-right convex character stroke); o'clock; (a measure word); point; dot; (decimal) point);
點火 点火 diǎn huǒ (v) light a fire; (v) agitate; stir up trouble;
點擊 点击 diǎn jī to hit; to press; to strike (on the keyboard); to click (a web page button);
點亮 点亮 diǎn liàng (v) light;
點名 点名 diǎn míng roll call;
點燃 点燃 diǎn rán (v) ignite; light (a fire);
點頭 点头 diǎn tóu nod;
點頭招呼 点头招呼 diǎn tóu zhāo hū beckon;
點心 点心 diǎn xīn light refreshments; pastry;
點鐘 点钟 diǎn zhōng (indicating time of day) o'clock;
點綴 点缀 diǎn zhuì (v) enhance; beautify; embellish; adorn; do sth only for sake of show;
點子 点子 diǎn zi (n) spot, dot; speck; (n) droplet; drop (of a liquid);

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