Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
zhēng Chinese 1st month of year;
正電子 正电子 zhēng diàn zi positron (antiparticle of the electron);
正文 zhēng wén main text (as opposed to footnotes); main body (of a book);
正月 zhēng yuè (n) first month of the lunar new year;
zhèng just (right); main; upright; straight; correct; principle;
正安 Zhèng ān (N) Zheng'an (place in Guizhou);
正比 zhèng bǐ (n) in direct proportion; directly related;
正常 zhèng cháng regular; normal; ordinary;
正常工作 zhèng cháng gōng zuò normal operation; proper functioning;
正常化 zhèng cháng huà normalization (of diplomatic relations, etc);
正當 正当 zhèng dāng timely; well-timed; just when (needed);
正電子發射斷層照相術 正电子发射断层照相术 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè duàn céng zhào xiāng shù positron emission tomography (PET);
正定 Zhèng dìng (N) Zhengding (place in Hebei);
正方形 zhèng fāng xíng square;
正鋒 正锋 zhèng fēng frontal attack (brush movement in painting);
正規 正规 zhèng guī (adj) regular; according to standards;
正好 zhèng hǎo just (in time); just right; just enough; to happen to; to chance to; by chance; it just so happens that;
正經 正经 zhèng jing (adj) decent; proper; (adj) serious; (adj) according to standards;
正蘭旗 正兰旗 Zhèng lán qí (N) Zhenglanqi (place in Inner Mongolia);
正門 正门 zhèng mén the formal entrance, main gate (to a university, etc.); portal;
正面 zhèng miàn front; positive; direct; open;
正寧 正宁 Zhèng níng (N) Zhengning (place in Gansu);
正氣 正气 zhèng qì (n) healthy environment; healthy atmosphere;
正巧 zhèng qiǎo (adv) just by chance; happen to;
正確 正确 zhèng què correct; proper;
正如 zhèng rú be just like;
正式 zhèng shì formal; official;
正式投票 zhèng shì tóu piào formal vote;
正統 正统 zhèng tǒng orthodox;
正午 zhèng wǔ midday; noon; noonday;
正鑲白旗 正镶白旗 Zhèng xiāng bái qí (N) Zhengxiangbai qi (place in Inner Mongolia);
正陽 正阳 Zhèng yáng (N) Zhengyang (place in Henan);
正義 正义 zhèng yì justice; righteous; righteousness;
正在 zhèng zài in the process of (doing something or happening); while (doing);
正在中國訪問 正在中国访问 zhèng zài Zhōng guó fǎng wèn during a trip to China;
正值 zhèng zhí honest; upright;
正直 zhèng zhí upright; upstanding; honest;
正字法規則 正字法规则 zhèng zì fǎ guī zé orthographic rule;
正字法階段 正字法阶段 zhèng zì fǎ jiē duàn orthographic stage;
正字法空間 正字法空间 zhèng zì fǎ kōng jiān orthographic space;
正字法模式 zhèng zì fǎ mó shì orthographic pattern;

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