Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
yǒu to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be;
有幫助 有帮助 yǒu bāng zhù helpful;
有才幹 有才干 yǒu cái gàn capable;
有創造力 有创造力 yǒu chuàng zào lì ingenious;
有待 yǒu dài not yet (done); pending;
有膽量 有胆量 yǒu dǎn liàng courageous;
有道德 yǒu dào dé chaste;
有德行 yǒu dé xíng virtuous;
有的 yǒu de (there are) some (who are...); some (exist);
有的是 yǒu de shì have plenty of; there's no lack of;
有點兒 有点儿 yǒu diǎn er (adv) slightly; little; somewhat;
有毒 yǒu dú poisonous;
有風 有风 yǒu fēng windy;
有攻擊性 有攻击性 yǒu gōng jí xìng offensive;
有關 有关 yǒu guān to have something to do with; to relate to; to concern; concerning; related to;
有關連 有关连 yǒu guān lián relate;
有關人士 有关人士 yǒu guān rén shì persons involved; those connected with (sth);
有關系 有关系 yǒu guān xi to relate to; to be relevant; to have involvement; to have connections;
有害 yǒu hài destructive; harmful; damaging;
有好奇心 yǒu hào qí xīn curious;
有核國家 有核国家 yǒu hé guó jiā nuclear weapon states;
有活力 yǒu huó lì energetic; vital;
有機 有机 yǒu jī organic;
有機分子 有机分子 yǒu jī fēn zǐ organic molecule;
有機磷毒劑 有机磷毒剂 yǒu jī lín dú jì oranophosphorus agent;
有機磷酸酯類 有机磷酸酯类 yǒu jī lín suān zhǐ lèi organophosphate;
有機體 有机体 yǒu jī tǐ organism;
有機物 有机物 yǒu jī wù organic substance; organic matter;
有價值 有价值 yǒu jià zhí valuable;
有節制 有节制 yǒu jié zhì temperate;
有精神病 yǒu jīng shén bìng insane;
有經驗 有经验 yǒu jīng yàn experienced;
有決心 有决心 yǒu jué xīn determined;
有可能 yǒu kě néng it's possible;
有孔蟲 有孔虫 yǒu kǒng chóng foramanifera (a form of plankton);
有口無心 有口无心 yǒu kǒu wú xīn (saying) to speak harshly but without any bad intent;
有賴於 有赖于 yǒu lài yú (v) depend on;
有禮貌 有礼貌 yǒu lǐ mào courteous; polite; politeness;
有利 yǒu lì advantageous; to have advantages; favorable;
有力 yǒu lì powerful; forceful; vigorous;
有利可圖 有利可图 yǒu lì kě tú profitable;
有聯繫 有联系 yǒu lián xì to be connected; to be related;
有良心 yǒu liáng xīn conscientious;
有兩下子 有两下子 yǒu liǎng xià zi have real skill; know one's stuff;
有名 yǒu míng famous; well-known;
有耐久力 yǒu nài jiǔ lì durable;
有能力 yǒu néng lì able;
有期徒刑 yǒu qī tú xíng limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment);
有氣派 有气派 yǒu qì pài lordly;
有趣 yǒu qù interesting; fascinating; amusing;
有權威 有权威 yǒu quán wēi authoritative;
有人 yǒu rén (n) someone; there's someone;
有人情 yǒu rén qíng humane;
有生以來 有生以来 yǒu shēng yǐ lái since birth; for one's whole life;
有聲有色 有声有色 yǒu shēng yǒu sè (saying) to have sound and color; vivid; dazzling;
有時 有时 yǒu shí sometimes; now and then;
有時候 有时候 yǒu shí hou sometimes;
有時間 有时间 yǒu shí jiān to have time;
有史以來 有史以来 yǒu shǐ yǐ lái since the beginning of history;
有所 yǒu suǒ somewhat; to some extent;
有彈性 有弹性 yǒu tán xìng flexible;
有條紋 有条纹 yǒu tiáo wén striped;
有條有理地 有条有理地 yǒu tiáo yǒu lǐ de methodically; systematically;
有同情心 yǒu tóng qíng xīn sympathetic;
有希望 yǒu xī wàng hopeful; promising; prospective;
有系統 有系统 yǒu xì tǒng systematic;
有線 有线 yǒu xiàn wired; cable (television);
有限 yǒu xiàn limited;
有線電視 有线电视 yǒu xiàn diàn shì cable television;
有限公司 yǒu xiàn gōng sī corporation;
有效 yǒu xiào effective; in effect; valid;
有些 yǒu xiē some; somewhat;
有些人 yǒu xiē rén some people;
有心眼 yǒu xīn yǎn considerate; thoughtful;
有興趣 有兴趣 yǒu xìng qù interested; interesting;
有性生殖 yǒu xìng shēng zhí sexual reproduction;
有雄心 yǒu xióng xīn ambitious;
有序 yǒu xù to be orderly;
有選舉權 有选举权 yǒu xuǎn jǔ quán constituent;
有學問 有学问 yǒu xué wèn learned;
有藥癮者 有药瘾者 yǒu yào yǐn zhě addict;
有一些 yǒu yī xiē somewhat; rather;
有意 yǒu yì intend; intentionally; be interested (in);
有益 yǒu yì wholesome;
有益處 有益处 yǒu yì chu beneficial;
有意識 有意识 yǒu yì shì conscious;
有意思 yǒu yì si interesting;
有意義 有意义 yǒu yì yì to have meaning; to have significance; meaningful; significant;
有陰影 有阴影 yǒu yīn yǐng shadowy;
有影響 有影响 yǒu yǐng xiǎng influential;
有用 yǒu yòng useful;
有責任 有责任 yǒu zé rèn liable; responsible;
有著 有着 yǒu zhe have; possess;
有志者事竟成 yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng where there is a will, there is a way;
有助于 yǒu zhù yú contribute to; promote;
有資格 有资格 yǒu zī gé entitle;
有罪 yǒu zuì guilty;
有一點兒 有一点儿 yǒu yī dian3r a bit;

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