Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
shí o'clock; time; when; hour; season; period;
時報 时报 shí bào "Times" (newspaper, e.g. New York Times);
時差 时差 shí chā (n) time lag; jet lag; time difference;
時常 时常 shí cháng often; frequently;
時辰 时辰 shí chen time; one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day;
時大時小 时大时小 shí dà shí xiǎo sometimes big, sometimes small; varying;
時代 时代 shí dài age; era; epoch; period;
時而 时而 shí ér (adv) occassionally; often, but not at any fixed time;
時光 时光 shí guāng (n) time; era; period of time;
時候 时候 shí hou time; length of time; moment; period;
時機 时机 shí jī occasion; opportunity;
時間 时间 shí jiān time; period;
時間進程 时间进程 shí jiān jìn chéng time course;
時間內 时间内 shí jiān nèi within (a period of time);
時間表 时间表 shí jiàn biǎo schedule;
時節 时节 shí jié season; time;
時刻 时刻 shí kè moment;
時髦 时髦 shí máo vogue;
時期 时期 shí qī a period in time or history; period; time (interval); phase;
時區 时区 shí qū (n) time zone;
時尚 时尚 shí shàng fashion;
時時 时时 shí shí often; constantly;
時事 时事 shí shì (n) current events;
時速 时速 shí sù speed per hour;
時態 时态 shí tài (verb) tense;
時興 时兴 shí xīng fashionable; popular;
時序 时序 shí xù time course;
時裝 时装 shí zhuāng (n) the latest fashion in clothes;

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