Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
dāng to be; to act as; to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space); manage; withstand; when; during; ought; should; match equally; equal; same; obstruct; just at (a time or place); on the spot; right; just at;
當場 当场 dāng chǎng at the scene; on the spot;
當初 当初 dāng chū at that time; originally;
當代 当代 dāng dài the present age; the contemporary era;
當地 当地 dāng dì local;
當地時間 当地时间 dāng dì shí jiān (n) local time;
當兒 当儿 dāng er (n) the very moment;
當家 当家 dāng jiā manage household affairs;
當今 当今 dāng jīn current; present; now; nowadays;
當局 当局 dāng jú authorities;
當量劑量 当量剂量 dāng liáng jì liáng equivalent dose;
當量 当量 dāng liàng yield;
當面 当面 dāng miàn to sb.'s face; in sb.'s presence;
當年 当年 dāng nián in those days; then; in those years; during that time;
當前 当前 dāng qián current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us);
當然 当然 dāng rán only natural; as it should be; certainly; of course; without doubt;
當時 当时 dāng shí then; at that time; while;
當時的 当时的 dāng shí de of that time; former;
當事人 当事人 dāng shì rén persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair);
當涂 当涂 Dāng tú (N) Dangtu (place in Anhui);
當務之急 当务之急 dāng wù zhī jí urgent priority;
當心 当心 dāng xīn to take care; to look out;
當雄 当雄 Dāng xióng (N) Dangxiong (place in Tibet);
當選 当选 dāng xuǎn be elected;
當陽 当阳 Dāng yáng (N) Dangyang (city in Hubei);
當中 当中 dāng zhōng among; in the middle; in the center;
當眾 当众 dāng zhòng in public; in front of everybody;
dàng at or in the very same...; to pawn; suitable; adequate; fitting; proper; replace; represent;
當成 当成 dàng chéng to consider as; take to be;
當天 当天 dàng tiān that day; the same day;
當作 当作 dàng zuò treat as; regard as;
當做 当做 dàng zuò to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as;

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