Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
jiù at once; then; right away; only; (emphasis); to approach; to move towards; to undertake;
就餐 jiù cān (v) eat a meal;
就此 jiù cǐ and thus; thereupon;
就地 jiù dì (adv) local; nearby;
就﹍而言 jiù ér yán considering;
就近 jiù jìn (adv) nearby;
就寢時間 就寝时间 jiù qǐn shí jiān bedtime;
就任 jiù rèn take office; assume a post;
就是 jiù shì (emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly what is stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as;
就是說 就是说 jiù shì shuō in other words; that is;
就算 jiù suàn (conj) given that...;
就緒 就绪 jiù xù ready; in order;
就業 就业 jiù yè get a job; start a career;
就職 就职 jiù zhí take office; assume a post;

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