Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
dào to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive;
到場 到场 dào chǎng show up; be present (at the scene);
到處 到处 dào chù in all places; everywhere;
到此處 到此处 dào cǐ chù hither;
到達 到达 dào dá to reach; to arrive;
到底 dào dǐ finally; in the end; when all is said and done;
到來 到来 dào lái arrival; advent;
到了 dào le has arrived; when subj. arrives at a location or time;
到目前為止 到目前为止 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ until now; so far;
到那個時候 到那个时候 dào nà gè shí hòu until this moment;
到那裡 到那里 dào nà lǐ thither;
到期 dào qī become due (e.g. loans);
到﹍之上 dào zhī shàng onto;

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