Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
zài again; once more; next in sequence; another;
再保證 再保证 zài bǎo zhèng reassure;
再出現 再出现 zài chū xiàn reappear;
再次 zài cì one more time; again; one more; once again;
再度 zài dù once more; once again; one more time;
再好不過 再好不过 zài hǎo bú guò (phr) can't be better;
再會 再会 zài huī adieu; vale;
再活化假說 再活化假说 zài huó huà jiǎ shuō reactivation hypothesis;
再見 再见 zài jiàn good bye;
再三 zài sān over and over again; again and again;
再生不良性貧血 再生不良性贫血 zài shēng bù liáng xìng pín xuè aplastic anemia;
再生產 再生产 zài shēng chǎn (n) reproduction;
再說 再说 zài shuō let's talk about it later; what's more; besides;
再一次 zài yī cì again;
再者 zài zhě furthermore;

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