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Posted by yolanda on November 10, 2003 at 01:43:30:
In Reply to: Re: Manic Depression & Meth... posted by Peggy Zicafoose on October 17, 2003 at 01:16:04:

> > > > I've been wondering what I should know, need to know, and what to be worried about. My closest friend had been in terrible pain, for some reason deeply ingrained. He found 'the right girl' but what came along with her was Crystal (what he and she refer to as 'shit that hasn't been cut'). So, he rationalizes it as clean methanphetamine usage. Since also he's been diagnosed with manic depression, like I am. I'm not wondering because I can't seem to tell if his personality or health is in danger........

> > My sister has been exhibiting signs of schizophrenia, i.e., people following her, people watching her, someone bugging her house, someone breaking into her house, etc. Since she is 40 years old and never exhibited signs of schizophrenia before, everthing didn't make sense. We found out later that she had been using crystal meth for the past two years (I suspect longer) and that it was causing her paranoia. We believe that she is bipolar and started to self-medicate herself to deal with the mood disorder. (She used to self-medicate herself by drinking heavily.) (At first, we just thought she was bipolar with schizoeffective disorder.) In researching meth I found that it crystalizes your lungs, will eat away the cartlidge in your nose, and also crystalizes your brain. People on meth eventually become very paranoid and very, very angry. They also become very delusional. Please try to get your friend off of the meth. It may be a cheap high, but in the end the toll it takes on the person and people around them is very high. Good luck! Laurie

> In response to the above comment -- I also suffer with bi-polar behavior along with schizo-effective behavior. I abused (self medicated) useing meth-amphedemine for the past 15 years. The hallucinations and voices, fortunately, began only three years ago. My life is filled with confusion, lonliness, and unhappiness. I've attempted suicide at least twice -- resulting in coma and a long hospitalization. I am going into the hospital in a few days in hopes of kicking the meth addiction and stabilizing on the appropriate medicatin. I have made several attempts at home in the hope of cureing myself along with seeing my doctor once a week. Unfortunately, I am unable to kick the meth (all contacts use) and don't take my medication as I should. I am an intelligent woman with plenty of money. But my drug use has nearly destroyed my life. My husband of twelve years is about to leave me. My three grown sons refuse to see me. And I have spent thousands of dollars on the illicit drugs. What a waste of a life. My original diagnosis was simply major depression. But 12 years later it has grown into bi-polar behavior, anxiety disorder, schizo-effective (when under stress), compulsive-obsessive, etc...I have no energy, no motivation, and live like a poor low life. I hope that during my three week hospitalization I leave clean and well on my way to recovery and find a better life.

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