- Total time-all aircraft |
1500 hours
- Pilot-in-Command-airplanes |
1200 hours
Pilot-in-Command Breakdown
- Make and model to be flown
25 hours 1
- Category (airplane) and class (multi-engine) to be flown
200 hours
- Multi-engine aircraft over 12,500 lbs, if applicable all
time must be accumulated after receiving type rating
100 hours 2
- During preceding 12 months-airplanes
100 hours 3
- Actual or simulated instrument time (minimum 50 actual)
75 hours
- Night flying to include at least three takeoffs and landings
to full stop during the 90 days preceding annual Pilot approval
in category and class over 12,500 lbs
100 hours
- Typical terrain and landing facilities-mountain and low
200 hours
- During 60 days prior to annual agency Pilot inspection
5 hours 4
- In make and model, to include five takeoffs and landings
performed from the left seat
- Demonstrate dropping one full load of water in typical
terrain under the observation of a designated Pilot
Inspector in a minimum of one make and model airtanker
to be flown
- The 25 hours of Pilot-in-Command required must have been within
the past 5 years with an Unrestricted Type rating in make and
model to be flown. (The time must be accumulated after the issuance
of the type rating.) The time in the make and model to be flown
may be reduced to 10 hours provided the pilot holds an initial
attack rating and completes training in maneuvers simulating
Airtanker operations.
- Pilots who have flown as Co-Pilots in multi-engine Airtanker
operations may count 50 percent of that time toward the 100
hours Pilot-in-Command requirement (left seat) to a maximum
of 50 hours.
- or, performed as Airtanker Pilot (AKP) during the preceding
12 months.
- Initial Attack Training Pilots may perform the make and model
experience requirements from either the left and/or right seat.
Dropping loads of water for the Initial Pilot Inspector shall
be demonstrated from both the left and right seat, with a minimum
of two full loads total dropped.